Tuesday, August 19, 2008


another story of Boris Popescu

Boris got the telegram saying that uncle Nicolai has passed away.

He was a stingy miserly geezer who lived quite a frugal life. Only in the coldest of winter he light the fireplace. As a result of that he left quite substantial assets behind for his only nephew Boris including the apartment where Boris lived in.

As the situation of Boris has drastically improved he thought of changing the entire apartment because he suffered enough from claustrophobia caused by the "cursed column", he decided to buy the adjacent land so he could build a spacious and comfortable apartment.

Having been brought up to in a superstitious religious environment he thought first to ask the god before making any decisions. In his search for an answer he stumbled over the intriguing name of an architect called Gartenfeld.

After an extended waiting time Gartenfeld was always busy and unavailable which gave Boris the confidence that she must be the right one he managed to have an appointment with Gartenfeld.

To his surprise the architect turned out to be totally different than he imagined being small build Japanese. In his bewilderment he tried to make sense between the appearance and the name Gartenfeld.

"Well, Gartenfeld it is a translation of my Japanese surname into English....."

Anyway, Gartenfeld decided that it would be best to demolish the whole building and start with a new design. They got the approval for the new development. However while they were constructing the building site the council discovered that there was one missing street lamp on Boris's property.

It was by law public property and therefore could not be removed. The contrary it needed to be upgraded to the new standard of street lighting with a bigger reinforced pole.

Gartenfeld had no choice than to incorporate the pole again into the building except this time it ended up being in the middle of the lounge room. Initially Gartenfeld was a little concerned about the presence of this massive object but realized that this was actually enhancing the dreams of her client.

The most priceless piece of Boris's inheritance was the taxidermy animal head, the proud hunting trophy from his uncle Nicolai. The pole in the center of the house would become the main feature to hang up the animal head on ropes,as it was illegal to drell holes into the publicly owned lamp pole.

He lived happy ever after and did no longer suffer from claustrophobia.


Design 1 "rib" has developed with his personal appearance being skinny and pale. It contains the rib pattern throughout the building.

Design 2 "Röntgen" has  developed again with the rib pattern however, it is with a different approach. Röntgen was a German physicist who detected x-rays.

Design 3 is a sketch up model of him being a superstitious religious character. According to my research the natural design has a system that creates a pattern with certain regularity including, balance and harmony.

The façade of this design contains the pattern of Pythagoras definition.

Design 4 has developed with a triangle shape however, this time all the elements were set on the exterior and interior playfully.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Story of Boris Popescu

‘…Boris supper is ready… can’t you hear me.’ Boris sat up on the bed and went to the dining room. – pork tail stew… the local shop was having a sale on pig’s tails again. It is going to last at least for the next three days.

His mother has the habit of saying ‘Will I ever see grand children?’ ‘Before you realize you turn forty. You should be dutiful to your mother.’

Shortly after the meal, mother starts doing the ironing. ‘Will you let the hems down on my trousers? I feel they are a little short.’ ‘No way! They have to keep their length.’ The hems never touched the ground. The contrary, not only are they 10cm away from it; they also have substantial extra hard fabric folded internally. In the distant past, he used to ask why there was the extra fabric. Mother told him that it was essential as he would be growing. Needless to say that he was forced to wear the same trousers for years.

The house is always tidy and he has never seen a speck of dust in it. The most prominent feature in the lounge room is an immaculately polished photograph setting. His father was a coal miner, who worked for the family everyday and died in an accident. Boris was only nine years old at that time. The father’s complexion on the photo still has a golden brown radiance, yet Boris has always been pale. All his attempts of getting a suntan have failed. However, his skin would turn in to a lobster like color when exposed to the sun. Subsequently it peeled off and returned to his former pallid color. Even trying to apply a tanning spray proved to be futile.

The memory of his father taking him to uncle Nicolai’s house is still present. He admired his uncle. A stuffed animal head was the main focal point in the lounge room, and the uncle spoke proudly on how he had killed the animal. ‘I want to become a strong man like my uncle.’ It was after Boris has met uncle Nicolai that he started mimicking like a marksman. He did practice shooting everyday near an old remaining watchtower and enjoyed climbing up there and gazing into the clouds.

His life has not been eventful except that there is a column going through his room from the bottom to the ceiling for no apparent reason. When he got into mischief, his parents used to tie him up on this column; the space between face and wall was extremely narrow, therefore he still suffers from claustrophobia. The column illuminates his room in the night because it was originally meant to be a streetlight, thus he has never experienced a good sleep. It just happened to go through his room because of an architect’s failure to remove it from the design.

Boris occasionally experience happiness by gazing at beautiful clouds from the tower and having a potato and milk soup without onions.